viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017


Ask the player his/her name and answer with this name:

The ASK() and WAIT block is a Sensing Block.
The block will make an input box show at the bottom of the screen.
The player can input text into it and submit it, and the input is stores then in the Answer block.
The Answer block automatically updates to most recent input.

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

How to create new characters?

See how Cartoon Network does.

Design your own musical instrument and play it!

What about a piano with your name!

Lets see an example:
 Antonio as our IES Pintor Antonio Lopez
With this program we are going to learn about the broadcast message:
  • A broadcast block is a message that is sent through the Scratch program, activating receiving scripts.
Broadcasts are sent with the blocks Broadcast () and are received by the block When I Receive()

In the piano game, the broadcast message is used to trigger another script so the sound will be played.
And at the same time the color lines are drawn.

Choose a musical note for each letter:

Can you draw with Scratch?

Can you draw with Scratch?

With the Blocks related to the Pen, you can draw a line on the screen whenever it moves:

You can stop a sprite from writing with the Pen up block.

You can choose the color and size of your pen or how dark or light will be the color by the following blocks: 

Lets draw a triangle:

For example, lets draw a square:

  • Pen down and 
  • Repeat 4 times : walk some steps and turn 90º. 

Or a triangle, a square, an hexagon and a circle:

domingo, 29 de enero de 2017

Create your characters and make them fly!!!

Create your own characters and make them fly!

Make It Fly from Lifelong Kindergarten on Vimeo.

Lets see more examples:

viernes, 20 de enero de 2017

Catch the ball game!

Give it a try!

Let´s get started:
1. Select or draw your backdrop.
2. Create two sprites: a paddle for the user to control and a ball the user will be playing with.

3. Make your paddle sprite interactive:

The paddle will follow the mouse pointer to the right or left of the screen at the bottom of the screen:
    • Set x to the mouse x position
    • Set y to a fixed position (-160)

4. The next step is to move the ball.

    Set the ball starting position:
    • Set y to the upper value of the screen.
    • Set x to a random position along the x axis between to numbers: the more on the left (-240) and the more on the right (240) of the screen.

  Now lets make the ball fall down:
    • In a forever block decrease the y value by 5.
If the ball touches the paddle, the ball will go to its stating position and it will start to fall down again.

But if the ball touches the lowest part of the screen, the ball will disappear and start again.
We can do it by checking the ball y value:
    • If y is smaller than -180 the ball will go to the starting point.

7. Now keep the score:

    • Add a variable to score the times you catch the ball with the paddle.
    • Initialize it to cero.
    • If the ball touches the paddle, increase the score by 1.
    • But if the ball touches the ground, decrease the score by 1. 

8. Time the game!

    This time we can use the timer variable in the Sensing Blocks.
    Click on the paddle Script tap:
    • Reset the timer at the beginning of the program:
    • When the timer gets bigger than 30 seconds the program will end and a message with our score will pop up on the screen.

9. What about having many balls falling down at the same time?

    • Duplicate the ball sprite many times and try to catch them all!!!
Click here to see the game inside!